
Category: Teamwork

I’m finding out that a team is more that I have used to thinking it is. As I listen to people talk about teams, I learn new way that can […]

My Favorite Movie(s)

Category: Uncategorized

Today, I was challenged to write about my favorite movie. Wait, I can only choose one? Even with as few as I ever see, I have a super hard time […]

The Story of Sweat

Category: Story

But, first I digress. I’ll bet you didn’t know that today is Big Wind Day. However, I will try to not be long winded. To sweat is to be human, […]

The Best Desert I Ever Ate

Category: Desert

I met a friend for lunch at a secluded golf club and hotel. The only course I remember was desert. Key lime pie was on the menu, and I love […]

5 Reasons I work on weekends

Category: Uncategorized

People are often surprised that some of us work on weekends. Here are some reason I do.1. I enjoy what I do, so it doesn’t seem like work.2. I’m my […]

“Don’t Move,” He Said

Category: Uncategorized

It is September 6, 2019.  “Don’t Move,” he said. He was my dentist. I was sitting   in the patient chair with my mouth wide open. My dentist had just coated […]

Stork Stalking and Lazy Recruiting

Category: Uncategorized

Stork stalking and lazy recruiting. What could these two things possibly have to do with each other?  Let me tell this story first, and maybe you’ll see.  In European countries, […]