I’m finding out that a team is more that I have used to thinking it is. As I listen to people talk about teams, I learn new way that can be formed and used.

A simple type of team is one that relates to your occupation, such as teams in departments of corporations. We of course have sports teams. Being in a team requires a certain mindset, because it requires working with other people.

One of the most famous athletes who demonstrated teamwork was Michael Jordan. He was so good, it would not have been a surprise if he had gotten his hand on the ball every time he could and had way more baskets to his credit. Instead, he handed off the ball to others and gave them a chance to score.

Teams can be long term or ad hoc. And, they don’t have to be working in the same place. My idea of a team was changed when I learned how a friend created her business team. She drew from business women she had coached and created a team of entrepreneurs who had skills or businesses that provided services she needed. As well as compensating them, she promoted their businesses.

I have been a member of an accountability team of six business owners. We freely share our expertise with each other on a rotating basis. In this respect, we are a loosely external team helping to elevate our knowledge and skills.

Another kind of external team is a mastermind group. These are people who are at least as competent as you are and some should be more so. You should people who inspire, coach mentor, evaluate, and elevate you.

If you have a team of any sort, inform us in the chat.

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