People are often surprised that some of us work on weekends.

Here are some reason I do.
1. I enjoy what I do, so it doesn’t seem like work.
2. I’m my own boss, so I can choose when I work and when I take off.
3. My boss (that’s me) lets me work anywhere I want to.
4. While most people are at work during the week, I get to go to the gym or a shopping mall, or enjoy lunch with a friend.
5. It’s a good time to find customers/members at home and enjoy a short chat to catch up with them.
6. On Sundays, I take the time to assess the previous week and plan the next week’s goals and activities.
It’s a great time to review my goals, wishes, and envisioned life.

These are just a few of the most obvious ones for me.
I hope to see what your reasons are.

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