Clayton Naluai Sensei–A Man of Principles
I was introduced to Ki-Aikido by some colleagues at a time when I was searching for an activity for my 14 year-old son. Afterwards, I saw a newspaper article about the man I instantly felt I needed for my teacher, and he was for 30 years.
It took two years of searching to find out that the dojo where he taught was 6 blocks from where I lived. My son went twice, but I was hooked.
Naluai Sensei had trained with the Chief Instructor of Ki-Aikido, Koichi Tohei Sensei. He taught the way his teacher did. We spent lots of time on the principles:
1. Keep one point
2. Relax completely
3. Keep weight underside
4. Extend Ki
Every time a new student came to class, he started all over with these principles. In my early days as a student, I cringed when we had to go over the same thing.
As I matured in the practice and got serious about the disciplines Ki Breathing and meditation, I began to look forward to these times. The nuances of the training made more sense to me.
One thing I struggled with was his admonition to “Copy me.” I didn’t want to approach selling products the way he was taught. But, again, I got over my self and finally understood why it was important to copy my Sensei.
Through all of my, and other students’ resistance, he remained patient and loving to his last breath. He understood what some of his peers missed: the arts could and did change over time, but the principles were the same. Like other great teachers, he focused on the principles
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