What’s So Great About Four?

Category: Misc

March 4, when spoken, becomes a command: “March forth!” I can’t think of any other number that is used similarly. Here are some other fun facts about te number 4: […]

“Don’t Move,” He Said

Category: Uncategorized

It is September 6, 2019.  “Don’t Move,” he said. He was my dentist. I was sitting   in the patient chair with my mouth wide open. My dentist had just coated […]

Stork Stalking and Lazy Recruiting

Category: Uncategorized

Stork stalking and lazy recruiting. What could these two things possibly have to do with each other?  Let me tell this story first, and maybe you’ll see.  In European countries, […]

Plastic, plastic everywhere

Category: Healthy Home

Plastic, plastic everywhere, especially in our kitchens, landfills, and oceans. Take a look in your kitchen and pantry, and see how many plastic things you find. When I was growing […]

Procrastination Can Be Positive

Category: Earn Online

  Perhaps there is a list of the 7 Deadly Sins of Business, I’m sure procrastination would be close to the top. It’s a condition that all to frequently afflicts […]

Shop Local and Shop Small

Category: Marketing Tips

        Do you  like to SHOP LOCAL and wonder if that includes local online stores? Across the country, our local CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE have campaigns called Shop […]

Can Nutrition Lower Crime Rates?

Category: Healthy Kids

There are many ideas about how to reduce crime, such as community policing, better training for police, gun control and reducing poverty. The author of an article posted on Facebook […]