I’ve been many places in my life. Here are the ones I remember.

Hawaii. Sixty-one years ago I came out for one year and never moved away.
Mexico City, London, Paris, Switzerland, Lebanon. both parts of Berlin (both sides before the wall came down), a train trip from Paris to Grenoble with a formal sit-down dinner at Versailles, Sydney, Ireland, Scotland, Austria, and the Czech Republic, not Czechia.

You may wonder what’s left to see. Oh, there are lots of places. I am planning trips to Anaheim in August and China in October.

My bucket list contains a long list: Italy, Macchu Picchu, Hong Kong, more of Australia, New Zealand, American Samoa, Tahiti, Cabo, and Pago Pago.

I’m sure I’ll add more and am see how many places I can add to my list.

I can’t wait to see your lists,


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