Do you  like to SHOP LOCAL and wonder if that includes local online stores?

Across the country, our local CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE have campaigns called Shop Local.  It’s on all the local promotional materials.  Then every last Saturday of November, we add Small Business Saturday when we focus not only on Shopping Local, but also on Shopping Small.

I heartily agree that we want to Shop Local and Shop Small.  Both are the best way to keep our local economies vibrant and growing.  In the U.S. 89.6% of businesses are small businesses.  By keeping money flowing locally we assure that small businesses will not disappear from our neighborhoods and our towns which are our homes.

When we Shop Local and Shop Small locally and online we

  • support our communities
  • show some love for the people we love
  • show some love for the places we love
  • find things we can’t get anywhere else
  • sample food that tastes like home

But I want everyone to know that they can still “Shop Local” and “Shop Small” when they shop from those of us local small businesses who have online stores. 

Why?  Because all the profits from our sales are re-invested locally by those of us who are small business owners with online stores.  Most of our customers are local, so most of our service moves from online to local restaurants and coffee shops where we meet to talk.  We purchase all our office supplies and office equipment locally.  Food for our events is purchased locally.  We give local business to local printers, carpet cleaners, real estate agents, insurance agents, florists, gift shops, and more.

In addition, we spend money for our personal lives locally.  Someone wrote this thank you for supporting small local businesses, and I agree–my online small business is part of this!

“When you buy from a mom or pop business, you are not helping a CEO buy a third vacation home.  You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom or dad put food on the table, a family pay a mortgage, or a student pay for college.

Our customers are our shareholders and they are the ones we strive to make happy.”

And as you Shop Local and Shop Small with my online store, know that I can offer you some additional benefits, too.

–Because my online businesses doesn’t have to pay for the overhead of a brick and mortar storefront,  my brand partner SHAKLEE and I can put additional money into SAFETY, product QUALITY, and RESEARCH that help you know our products do what we say they do.

–If I don’t have what you’re looking for at my online store, I am happy to refer you to another local store or local online store, so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time driving around from store to store looking for what you want.  I do a lot of networking with other local and local online businesses.

–Because we online businesses manage inventory differently from a local storefront, I can guarantee my customers fresh inventory and often a more complete inventory than local stores might have room on their shelves for.

–Because I am available to you with a local phone number and to your referrals across the US and Canada, I can often provide a quicker response to questions compared to having to hunt down a clerk in a busy local store or after regular business hours.  Consultations are free and can be at a time and place convenient to you if you would like to meet locally.  And, we can always meet on Skype if you don’t live in Hawaii. I can bring you samples, show you  quick helpful videos on my phone or tablet, answer your questions, do quick demos, or speak to your group.

–Because we know that our customers like samples, we offer an unconditional money-back guarantee on anything you buy.  The whole container is a sample and you can return it empty if you’re not satisfied.  Or we can provide you just a  few samples if you’d prefer–just ask.

–We offer shopping 24/7 from the comfort of your home, or while you’re waiting in line somewhere, or when you’re away from home with a bit of time to spare.

–We offer the luxury and convenience of home delivery in just 3 business days.  So we save you gas, shoe leather, and time.

–We offer encrypted payments that no human touches, including through services like PayPal where your payment information is kept private from the seller.

So.  I hope you will remember that you can ALSO Shop Local and Shop Small this November 26 by shopping at the online stores of small business owners across the country!

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if I can be of help.  



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